Filter Lobby by Game Type (Map, Speed, Number of players, etc)
I'm only interested in playing public 4-player games with hidden bank cards, either fast or very fast. at high traffic times I'm scrolling through soo many games in the lobby and entering/leaving to check the game set up. Would love to be able to filter games to see only those I would want to play.
Comments: 39
12 Sep, '19
Schunkadunka MergedFor those who like 2p & 3p games. If you can see other people in the same lobby (2p/3p), you know others are down to play that game type. Instead of people joining the game then leaving when they see its 2p or 3p.
12 Sep, '19
Esqarrouth Admin MergedWait, what do you actually propose here? There is a max players setting? There is a room name setting?
18 Sep, '19
Schunkadunka MergedCreate different lobbies for those game types. So you know there are other people in the lobby who also want to play 2p or 3p instead of setting up a game and hoping people will be willing to play.
18 Sep, '19
Esqarrouth Admin MergedHow would these new lobbies look?
26 Sep, '19
Schunkadunka MergedSame as the normal lobby.
Maybe below "your name" and above "Players in Rooms," have tabs (or links) to a "3 Player Lobby" and "2 Player Lobby." You can click one of those links and it would bring you to a new lobby that would be set up exactly like the current one. -
03 Apr, '20
GemmaThis would be a great idea. I'm looking for very fast public games, for instance. Currently we need to wade through all the normal, fun, private, etc. Also -- filter out games with 4 people in them that are unjoinable anyhow?
11 Apr, '20
NeilYes, at a minimum I want to be able to filter by game speed (normal vs fast vs very fast)
19 Apr, '20
Rex5kAgreed would be a nice feature, came here to say this, looking for a fast game now
19 Apr, '20
timiwould be great .. if could also filter by player karma that would be good too :)
13 May, '20
Sasha Wilde Admin"Feature: Add filters to lobby, so we can quickly see the games we care about" (suggested by player on 2020-03-15), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '20
Sasha Wilde Admin"Game Settings Filter In Lobby" (suggested by Amaral on 2020-03-28), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '20
Sasha Wilde Admin"Ability to search for game type" (suggested by deliriz on 2020-03-20), including upvotes (5) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
29 May, '20
Faustovsky MergedAutomatic search of game based on user preferences
03 Jun, '20
shiksb MergedExperienced players often want to filter the rooms by "very fast". If we could filter rooms that would make this process easier. Currently we have to randomly go into rooms and check if we like the rules.
26 Jun, '20
ZumorAgree! Normally only looking for fast games, and going in and out of games to see if it's set to exactly that. Also suggest very fast should be 40 sec. it's almost impossible to make trades. It would still be a lot faster than fast games :)
03 Jul, '20
Del MergedSometimes we just want to play Catan and not select 1,000 options! Would be great if there was a “Play now” button that entered you into a pool of standard game players, and put all of the game variants (hidden/not; points to win; color; in a “custom match” tab.
All of these options are great, but starting a quick game shouldn’t always take 25 clicks (especially as new features are added). Having a ‘quick game’ option would allow you to clean up the interface and keep the variants for thos -
03 Jul, '20
Del MergedHacker version of this is to “name” the game after the features selected. I.e. name changes to “Fast, Hidden Game” in real time as those are selected. That way you don’t have to join and quit a bunch of games to play what you want.
14 Aug, '20
Satoshi AdminAnyone with UI/UX experience interested in helping design a new lobby that includes these features, please contact the Colonist Team guys at discord server :)
18 Aug, '20
Satoshi Admin"Search by game speed" (suggested by shiksb on 2020-06-03), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Aug, '20
IwannaRock Admin"Automatch" (suggested by Faustovsky on 2020-05-29), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Aug, '20
JUAN Admin"Create 2-player and 3-player lobby rooms" (suggested by Schunkadunka on 2019-09-12), including upvotes (4) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Aug, '20
JUAN Admin"Replace complicated lobby with match making system" (suggested by Del on 2020-07-03), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Nov, '20
jasbortThe recent update has made navigating the lobby to find a game far more difficult. There should at least be an easy way to exclude all non-base/base games, or all slow games, etc. It looks like a mess right now.
28 Nov, '20
Yuvraj GuptaWith seafarers added and the latest update which has changed the way room names look, Please prioritize adding filters. It's really difficult to find rooms with Base/Non-Base, 3p/4p, Slow/Fast/VeryFast, HBC/SBC etc. Having these filters will make finding a game super easy.
Also, make these filters sticky. One way will be to add the filters to the URL so that I can bookmark the URL and won't need to apply filters whenever I visit the site. -
01 Dec, '20
James Dingwall MergedThere should be a way to sort games on the main lobby table by map, speed, players, etc. I think a lot of players look for specific settings that they play most often, and it can be hard to find in the long list, whereas if there was a selection for only Very Fast games, for instance, would let players find the games they want faster.
02 Dec, '20
JUAN Admin"Main menu sort option" (suggested by James Dingwall on 2020-12-01), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Feb, '21
RobertI just did one for map but if we could do this for all settings, would be awesome. I think the number of people leaving games would go down because they join a game that says base and then get on a map that's not base.
23 Feb, '21
JUAN Admin"Lobby Filter by maps" (suggested by Robert on 2021-02-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Apr, '21
JUAN Admin"Game Type Filter" (suggested by wy07 on 2021-03-25), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Sep, '21
This is a link to a suggestion I made a long time ago on this... It has a graphic image you can look at. -
24 Jan, '22
sashaFilter base or C&K
28 Jan, '22
Den03168 / 5.000
It could be solved by making the "mode", "map" and "speed" of the lobby drop-down tabs, being able to check one or more options, as if it were an excel filter -
26 Feb, '22
ErikIn the room list, I would like see any kind of Cities & Knight game at Normal–Fast speed and nothing else.
03 Apr, '22
MonicaErtl MergedA solution for this issue could be tabs like this:
| very fast (n) | fast (n) | normal (n) | slow (n) | very slow (n) | Spectate
I would eliminate accidental partitipations in unwanted speeds. -
04 Apr, '22
JUAN Admin"UI: Lobby/Rooms list/Speed tabs" (suggested by MonicaErtl on 2022-04-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Aug, '22
AlexInAuburnIf you look at the graphic listed above (discord link) you will see an added icon for the filter feature in the headline for the description's column. If you click this icon, it will open a menu over the comment section that list all the options and allows you to choose those settings you are looking for. If nothing is selected it will look for all options in that category. There will be a search button at the bottom of the menu. Once you click the search button the list will be filtered to only possess your requested options. Then when you move the cursor over the names in the descriptions list, the menu will show the exact options in that game. If you want to enter that game just click. If you move the cursor over another game name, the menu will show that game's options. I like Yuvraj Gupta's suggestion of making the filter selections a part of the URL so it can be bookmarked and you will be able to always search for your favorite settings without having to select them each time.
21 Oct, '22
JUAN AdminDone. Now lobby is ordered by Game Mode, Map, and number of players
08 Jan, '23
Lesoi looked and this suggestion is not done, there's still no filtering options to filter out everything but very fast... for example
1 -
14 Dec, '23
NicoSQThis is definitely not done. I don't want to see anything that isn't 4 player and very fast. So much noise.