Adjust number of roads/settlements/cities
Currently, games are fixed at 15 roads, 5 settlements, and 4 cities. This limits flexibility possibly for players who want to experiment out of the norm.
If dropdown menu existed as they do for VPs and Card Discard Limit, it would increase options, likely with limited engineering effort.
Comments: 8
13 Apr, '20
Seigel MergedFor private games you should be allowed to set the number of road/city/settlement pieces. This would make the larger and fun maps more interesting.
13 Apr, '20
Josh MergedIn fun maps, especially big ones like the US Map varient, there are not enough pieces for a 4 player game. can we please maybe either have the option to select more, or just have more than only 14 reads and the other amounts.
23 Apr, '20
Cosmicen MergedHave the option to play with double the pieces, 10 settlements, 8 cities, 30 roads so a 1v1 can take place over a larger scale. Also increase VP cap to 40 to go along with this.
09 Jul, '20
DustynPlaying the recent fun map, earth, with just 3 players showed me this would be a great addition. To let less players really fill up the map, for larger ones, and for multi-catan.
25 Aug, '20
IwannaRock Admin"Extra pieces" (suggested by Seigel on 2020-04-13), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Aug, '20
IwannaRock Admin"Add more game pieces to fun maps" (suggested by Josh on 2020-04-13), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Sep, '20
roeberLooks good -
17 Sep, '20
JUAN Admin"Double Pieces/higher VP victory" (suggested by Cosmicen on 2020-04-23), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.