Both me and bot won at the same time, yet the bot won.
Not quite sure how it happened.
I think what happened was that the blue player had the longest road, green player built a town that cut his road and "the longest road" title was moved over to me, but it didn't register as a win yet for some reason. Then orange player draw a dev card and got a victory point so he technically won before me?
I have more screenshots of what happened in this game.
Comments: 12
15 Nov, '19
SchunkadunkaPretty sure it has to be your turn for you to win. I bet if it came down to your turn, you woulda won immediately once your turn began. Very interesting scenario.
15 Nov, '19
Esqarrouth AdminI think this works as intended due to what Schunkadunka said.
07 Feb, '20
latnemele MergedDuring my last game I reached the victory points (10) on another player's turn. However the game did not finish.
To be more precise, I got 2 points because I got the longest road, during another player's turn. The victory points updated on the stats sidebar, and I got to 10 but the game didn't end. I got the longest road, because a player built a village along the longest road and intercepted it.
This is problematic, because the following turn another player built a longer road and got the -
07 Feb, '20
Stroom MergedYou can only win on your turn. It is in the rules. Look it up.
17 Apr, '20
Ted MergedI placed a settlement (3, 4, desert) to win the game, but the settlement happened to break another player's longest road, which caused a different player to take longest road and hit 10 VPs. I ended up being ranked as 2nd, even though I also had 10 VPs and it was my turn. This isn't a huge deal, probably a very rare occurrence.
17 Apr, '20
AlexInAuburn MergedYou were pronounced as the winner in the game turn log. I am wondering if the algorithm that is used to determine placement on players with the same victory points for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place somehow got used on the two players with 10 points. That algorithm would have given preference to the green player because they did not have any victory points from development cards. It clearly should not have used this algorithm since you clearly were the first place winner, as you got 10 VP's first.
30 Apr, '20
Theo MergedIn a game I played today, another player broke the longest road and I was rewarded longest road which gave me a total of 10 VPs. I thought it was possible to win when it was not your turn, but maybe this is a rule of catan that I am unfamiliar with. This situation is a bug unless there is a rule that you can only win on your own turn.
05 May, '20
PeterK MergedHappened to me today as well
15 May, '20
BabilarianDarkeyes MergedThe rules clearly state that you only win when you have 10 VP on YOUR TURN.
16 Jun, '20
Austin Admin"Broken longest road by another player does not reward a victory" (suggested by Theo on 2020-04-30), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jun, '20
Austin Admin"BUG: It must be a player's turn for them to win" (suggested by Ted on 2020-04-17), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jun, '20
Austin Admin"[BUG] Game not finishing when you reach Victory Points on another players turn" (suggested by latnemele on 2020-02-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.