Add Settlement cost on the side.
I would like to suggest that we should add the settlement cost on the side. It would also help players remember them coz it's always there. I made a sample. Maybe we can also add a setting where you can hide or show it. :)
Comments: 5
15 Aug, '19
corpsssyou know you can tap the settlement to see what it costs?
23 Aug, '20
Mel MergedAdd a legend to show how many cards of which type are needed to build something
24 Aug, '20
IwannaRock Admin MergedThis already exists, just need to hover over the building buttons and the required resources for each building will show
24 Aug, '20
IwannaRock Admin"Add legend for cost of building" (suggested by Mel on 2020-08-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Aug, '20
MelMaybe hovering over the building button works when you are accessing the game on a PC but on the iPad using safari browser, it doesn’t work. First, you can’t hover over something with a touch screen and then when you click on a building button it just says ‘don’t have enough resources to build this’. Maybe just need to tweak the game for use on an iPad. Thanks for considering.