Alternate 1v1 Robber Rule

71 votes

There's a lot of issues with robber rolls in 1v1 games. If one player gets the majority of 7 rolls, the other player is left stuck unless they invest in dev cards hoping for enough knights to mitigate the other player's robber attacks. Here's an alternate rule I came up with on Reddit that might solve the lopsidednessissity of the robber.

The best solution for 1v1 would be to have robber rolls be mutually destructive. The player who places last gets a "Current Robber Token". When a 7 is rolled by either player:

the "Current Robber" player places the robber and steals a card from the other player.
the "Current Robber Token" is transferred to the other player
the original dice roller continues their turn.
Knights can still be played as normal. Rolling 7's has less lopsided impact.

Under consideration Suggested by: DerfM Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 2

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