Improved Friendly Robber (for tournaments)

10 votes

Friendly robber is good for a few reasons. Games without friendly robber take much longer, and a player's game can get ended by an untimely early robbing.

However, friendly robber is bad because it makes the ore/wheat/sheep game, which is already the best game, better. When friendly robber is turned on, any ore/wheat/sheep player's best strategy is to stockpile development cards before building cities. During this time, the only players getting robbed from are wood/brick players. Afterwards, they can city up knowing they have knight protection, and they can usually win largest army handily.

A way to reconcile these issues is to add a tournament friendly robber feature where once you pull two development cards, you can be robbed from. Two development cards costs 6 cards, which is the same as a road + settlement, and is one more card than a city.

This feature would de-incentivize O/W/S players from stockpiling development cards, and would force them to build cities earlier.

Under consideration Suggested by: PenarBoy Upvoted: 17 Feb Comments: 2

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