In-Game Audio channel
I think it would be great to have an in-game audio channel with each player having the option to mute/un-mute their mic and speaker to that channel. Spectators would have the ability to listen to the chat but not speak (no mic). Players should be able to mute their mic from the spectators speaker (only heard by individuals in the game). There should be a visual of who is using the voice channel for both the mic and speaker. Maybe mic and speaker icons that show up on either side of the player logo, and an ear next to the eye balls to indicate when the spectators are listening.
Comments: 5
02 May, '20
PKay Mergedmore fun if we can talk with in the game. Many of us are playing with friends and using a 3rd party app like zoom/fb video /whatsapp calls.
23 Jun, '20
Noah GoetzSomething like Discord API integration feels like a feature I could actually see myself paying for!
One think I would want to make sure we would have is an easy way to report people who harass others via the voice chat. It seems easy to abuse. -
11 Oct, '20
SepticAxePlease add this function!
Table talk is one of the best parts about this game and the in-game chat is pretty limited, especially during fast matches.
I'd prefer native support (instead of Discord).
P.S. the game works perfectly and is executed outstandingly! <3 -
21 Apr, '21
JUAN Admin"Add voice call facility among players!" (suggested by PKay on 2020-05-02), including upvotes (8) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Oct, '21
mikesure!!!!! communication is such a key aspect of the game.... and when u have very limited time to spare... to have an ability to use your mic is game changing! i myself lost more then a few games because i cant communicate and offer trades.... im not a man that takes loses hard, but lose because you dont have the ability to speak its soooooo frustrating.