Players made these suggestions to improve
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Thanks for your help - our community is the lifeblood of Colonist. The more we know, the better we can improve the game.
1. Search to see if your bug / feature has already been reported.
2. If the bug or feature request already exists, select it, add your vote, then comment with a description.
3. If the bug or feature does not exist, click "Add a suggestion" and provide as much info as possible about the bug (what happened, your OS / browser, etc) or feature (what problem it solves, ideas for how to implement, etc.)
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Thanks for your help - our community is the lifeblood of Colonist. The more we know, the better we can improve the game.
Cities and Knights
Cities and Knights Expansion is out!!! Get it at the store
Seafarers Expansion
Would love to play the original Catan Expansion!
admin update: Seafarers is out! ...
MULTI Catan Please!!
6 player version with fog of war covering the other multiple islands, fast paced, highest amount of victory points after 72 turns wins
Adjust number of roads/settlements/cities
Currently, games are fixed at 15 roads, 5 settlements, and 4 cities. This limits flexibility possibly for players who want to experiment out of the norm.
If ...
Release a Tournament Maps Expansion Pack (20 official competition maps)
Make a full game expansion pack with all 20 Tournament Maps, for people to purchase.
What are these Tournament Maps?
The tournament maps are a collection of 20 ...
Harbormaster (variant)
It would be awesome if the Harbormaster option could be added as an option to be turned on for any game. This could easily be a paid-for option as well. I imagine it ...
Add paired player system for 5+ player games
For 5+ player games, the special build phase was deprecated in favor of a paired player system, which feels more balanced: ...
Add 7-8 player expansion for Seafarers + Cities & Knights
self explanatory
When Expansions are released, will they be combinable?
Some expansions have conflicting rules, but either way it's interesting. Like Seafers and Cities and Barbarians. In addition others?
Seafarers: New World scenario
Even Catan Universe does not have this scenario, I'd love to play it online on Colonist!
admin edit: please stop spamming double votes :)
9-10 player game
This is probably going to be a rare/low-vote request, but I actually had a game night with 9 teams looking to play. Based on how you've programmed the 7-8 version it ...
Cities and Knights Variant: Persistent Barbarians
Would take some more exploration and playtesting, but this variant makes the barbarians unable to kill cities, but instead persist on the island if they aren't ...
Are there any expansions yet?
admin edit: question answered in comments section. Suggestion closed.