Players made these suggestions to improve

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1. Search to see if your bug / feature has already been reported.
2. If the bug or feature request already exists, select it, add your vote, then comment with a description.
3. If the bug or feature does not exist, click "Add a suggestion" and provide as much info as possible about the bug (what happened, your OS / browser, etc) or feature (what problem it solves, ideas for how to implement, etc.)

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Thanks for your help - our community is the lifeblood of Colonist. The more we know, the better we can improve the game.

Mobile App

iOS Android
Suggested by: Guido (08 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 11 Jan Comments: 58
Done idea ui ux

Cities and Knights

Cities and Knights Expansion is out!!! Get it at the store
Suggested by: John (25 Oct, '19) Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 33
Done expansion

Add PayPal as alternative to buy Maps and Expansions

Not everyone likes to hand out their card details.
Suggested by: Malachi (22 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 36
Done premium store

User Ranking/Leaderboards (ELO system)

Something like an Elo rating system or so.
Suggested by: Jesse (Achilles333) (15 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 30 Mar, '24 Comments: 106
Done idea

Player management: Add players as favorited/friends

I have found some really great people in games and wish I could play with them again. Maybe its coming with user profiles but it would cool to be able to have ...
Suggested by: heady (14 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 14 Dec, '24 Comments: 140
Done idea lobby

Add special build phase for 5-6 player

The 5-6 player extension for Catan has a "special build phase" where all players can build at the end of anyone's turn (only using cards in hand, no trades to other ...
Suggested by: Sean (23 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 11 Feb Comments: 36

Open Ended Trades

It would be helpful to have the ability to offer open ended trades such as "Need wheat, but don't mind what I give," so other people can just offer what they want and ...
Suggested by: Sarah (13 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 13 Dec, '24 Comments: 24

Add numbers to resource cards

If we have 4 wood cards with us, it would really help if there was a small indication that we have 4 cards of that resource. Maybe just a small number "4" on the ...
Suggested by: Jesse (Achilles333) (10 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 01 Dec, '23 Comments: 32
Done game ui

Pause Game Feature

In a private game, allow players to request a timeout to the other players in the session. then resuming when ready. ================ PRESS "P" TO PAUSE THE GAME, ...
Suggested by: Daniel Hanlon (23 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 01 Oct, '24 Comments: 31
Done game

enable changing email associated with account

Suggested by: v (07 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 7

Seafarers Expansion

Would love to play the original Catan Expansion! _________________________________________________________________ admin update: Seafarers is out! ...
Suggested by: Jack (23 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 27 Feb, '22 Comments: 9
Done expansion

Allow users to change Country Flag

Right now it is IP-based on an open-source package that doesn't seem to be that accurate. It's a bummer when you are from one country but appear as another. It'd ...
Suggested by: Bryan (19 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 26

Bots should refuse to trade with high point winning player
Suggested by: Esqarrouth (13 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 03 Dec, '23 Comments: 37
Done bot trade

Mute and Report players

Originally suggested by THanz on 2019-10-29. Implemented in v87 admin update: Report/mute tutorial in attached image
Suggested by: heady (14 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 15 Oct, '24 Comments: 5

Randomize Tiles and Numbers.

Please add the ability in game setup to have options of what you can randomize like tiles, ports and numbers. If you dont want to allow that, then please add ...
Suggested by: Connor (24 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 08 Jun, '24 Comments: 45
Done game room

Option to select a different dice system

How does your random number generator work? Are the seeds randomized enough? Very often it seems that the same numbers are being rolled multiple times, 3, 4, even 5 ...
Suggested by: MikeIsMyIke (05 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 113
Done idea

Filter Lobby by Game Type (Map, Speed, Number of players, etc)

I'm only interested in playing public 4-player games with hidden bank cards, either fast or very fast. at high traffic times I'm scrolling through soo many games in ...
Suggested by: heady (20 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 06 Dec, '24 Comments: 39

deleting the account

for those who want to delete their account
Suggested by: Neerav (06 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 6

Option for additional time for initial build phase

The game host could choose a time limit for the build phase which is separate to the time limit for the remainder of the game. For example, you could have a fast ...
Suggested by: AceVentura7 (15 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 28 Feb, '24 Comments: 67

Bot Difficulty (levels)

Really hope you guys add difficulties for the bot. I would say the difficulties now are at medium. syahmi opac (from email)
Suggested by: Demiculus (30 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 19
Done bot idea room

Allow players to set their default color

Allow players to set on their profiles their default color. An addition to this would be to let players rate the colors in case they join a room/game where their ...
Suggested by: Paulo Roxas (16 May, '20) Upvoted: 27 Nov, '24 Comments: 9
Done room

Add more log in methods other than Google

Is there a way to create an account not via google authentication? Most sites offer the option to signup via email as well. In addition, is there a way to play with ...
Suggested by: Michael (18 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 24

Play with friends

It is possible to add someone as a friend on this site, but there is no way to send game requests to those friends. It would be cool to be able to invite other users ...
Suggested by: KG (12 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 6

Longest Road Bug: Explained Better?

The issue with longest road awarding the +2 VP inconsistently occurs when the player with the longest road loses it by getting their road length cut by a settlement ...
Suggested by: Kenny (08 May, '20) Upvoted: 21 Jan Comments: 111
Done bug game

Bots shouldn't build too much unnecessary roads

It could create more settlements with all that resources __________________________ admin edit: Fixed in v99. Bots shouldn't build so ...
Suggested by: Demiculus (04 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 21 Jul, '24 Comments: 39
Done bot

Select placement order in private games or Tournaments

When playng with friends in a private match, to have the ability to choose who goes in what position. This would be helpful for a tournament we're going to run where ...
Suggested by: Josh (20 May, '20) Upvoted: 11 Aug, '24 Comments: 19


Suggested by: Podvin#8781 (15 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 17
Done idea ux

Not enough resource to give to all should mean no resources distributed

When there are not enough resources in the bank to distribute to ALL parties, the game should not distributed. Example: Red has 2 cities on a (6) wood. Blue has a ...
Suggested by: aztechunter (13 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 20 Feb, '22 Comments: 51
Done bug game

Add confirmation button / double click

2 possibilities: -for main actions (BUILD, END TURN, BUY DEV) -for initial placements Problem this feature solves => Missclicking and double clicking How to ...
Suggested by: JUAN (01 May, '20) Upvoted: 08 Aug, '24 Comments: 58

Room: Kicked people should stay kicked and not rejoin

Feature request: Not sure if it's easy right now, but if we kick someone out of the room before a game starts, it would be great if they can't immediately re-enter ...
Suggested by: Esqarrouth (04 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 16 Aug, '24 Comments: 21

Replay Mode

admin: This thread now contains all REPLAY related suggestions. Add your suggestion in the comment section below! Thank you. JUAN ...
Suggested by: Pineapple Pizza with extra pineapple (28 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '24 Comments: 23
Done game idea

We should be able to accept a trade even if we rejected it, if it's still up on the screen

Since you insist on leaving the trade dialogue up after rejecting it, we should be able to accept it after (allow us to change our minds). This would only be fair ...
Suggested by: John (11 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 01 Oct, '23 Comments: 4
Done trade

Option to reset zoom to home?

Not sure if it already exists, but if the map becomes out of view there should be an option to reset the zoom so that the map is centered back in the middle again
Suggested by: fiskman (22 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 01 Dec, '24 Comments: 25

Add karma filter setting when creating a new game

Create an option to include only players with karma settings of 100%, 90%, 80% and so forth
Suggested by: MrColonist (04 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 12 Aug, '23 Comments: 36

Rematch function does not work

Nothing happens when you click the rematch button. Cannot hold a rematch.
Suggested by: AM34 (09 May, '20) Upvoted: 04 Dec, '23 Comments: 34
Done rematch

Bots give away when a player is leading due to VPs

Bots always steal from the player leading, which gives away who has hidden vps. Bots see the total score despite VPs not showing for the other players, that means VP ...
Suggested by: JUAN (24 May, '20) Upvoted: 12 Jan, '24 Comments: 54
Done bot game

CPU/GPU usage optimisation

The game is perfect, but while playing on the laptop, the battery discharges quickly and the fan tries to fly away from it.
Suggested by: Muhyng (05 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 30 Apr, '24 Comments: 31

Add PINK color to the Store

More color options, but start with Pink!
Suggested by: AuntieDawn (14 May, '22) Upvoted: 12 Feb Comments: 7
Done store

AFK / inactive Players Should Be Kicked after 2 rounds

Player will AFK and others must sit through the clock every turn. It's often vindictive. Players should be kicked and possibly docked 1 karma for such action.
Suggested by: marshal (29 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 16 Oct, '24 Comments: 43

Make robber more visible

Robber is hard to see sometimes, especially when playing larger boards.
Suggested by: Ryan Layton (26 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 24 Apr, '23 Comments: 24
Done ui

Display if Karma System is active or not

The notification for the Karma System (if the penalty is active or not) gets lost in the chat log. It would be helpful if that was displayed somewhere other than the ...
Suggested by: heady (18 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 09 Mar, '22 Comments: 20

Please add room speed back to the lobby

There's no way to easily distinguish rooms, click in to the rooms we want to be in or play with the names we usually see.
Suggested by: Aj (23 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 06 Jan, '22 Comments: 24
Done lobby ui

Pay to remove ads

Can we have an option to pay to remove ads? Game with no ad banners at the sides:
Suggested by: Mark (30 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 10 May, '23 Comments: 16
Done premium

volume slider

sometimes you are watching some Unbox Therapy (Youtube) or some Sport game while playing Colonist withtout removing the sound, but its too loud. I would suggest to ...
Suggested by: keelby (23 Jul, '20) Upvoted: 14 Sep, '24 Comments: 12
Done sound ux

Super slow mode should extend time for robbing, rolling the dice, and playing a knight.

In super slow mode, you have 3 hours for each turn but only 30 seconds to play a knight. You also only have 10 seconds to roll the dice. These are drastic differences ...
Suggested by: DylLighted (28 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 20 May, '21 Comments: 7

Player Profile Info not Loading

Chrome on PC. When I see mine or other player profile Info it appears blank even it says palayer not logged een when I now for certain I'm, or the other player is.
Suggested by: Ozz (08 May, '20) Upvoted: 13 Apr, '23 Comments: 68
Done bug profile

Disabled Adblocker Doesn't Work

I've allowed to use popups and ads and it still won't let me play ranked games
Suggested by: Nate (21 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 02 Dec, '24 Comments: 28

Add word filter to room titles

admin edit: Done. Will go live next update JUAN
Suggested by: MAL (08 Jun, '20) Upvoted: 10 May, '21 Comments: 20

Remove Balanced Dice as Default Setting

Can we please make the default random dice and make balanced dice optional please. The game upon which it is based is played with physical dice which is never ...
Suggested by: karm (11 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 6

See other players' responses to trades

In real-life Catan, you see other players' reactions to trades, which adds leverage to the trade. For instance, a leading player wants to get brick for a ...
Suggested by: Aleksandra (24 Jun, '20) Upvoted: 19 Aug, '23 Comments: 18